2019 SEL, I have this same issue. Comes in every now and then. I will say this, I swapped out interior dome lights to some Amazon LED’s yes, they were super bright but I would get locked out of the car, luckily I could use the keypad. I would have to wait for the lights after opening car door to go off to even turn the car on. It affected being able to lock/unlock car etc. It never “picked up key fob”. It was so annoying, one day I made the connection between the lights took them back out and problem solved. Every now and then it still says No Key Fob
Detected. At least I can drive around, lock and unlock car doors. Smh
Let me add, I swapped out batteries twice even got a new key fob and it does the same thing with both when it does
Detected. At least I can drive around, lock and unlock car doors. Smh
Let me add, I swapped out batteries twice even got a new key fob and it does the same thing with both when it does