For all....Ford part number W714972-S300 fits the molding bar in question. It is true Ford OE parts catalog does NOT provide a hardware part number under the Flex, using an alternate vehicle (2020 F250 grille) sharing "similar" attachment methods, and buying and installing on mine, I can confirm they are the same. Bag of 4 10 bucks or so, our bars take qty 8, so 2 bags. Non oem online, qty 30 for 10 bucks.Happy Saturday, fellow Flexers...
2013 EB here.
I've searched Tasca, Levittown Ford, and everywhere online. I'm unable to find retaining clips for the center grille bar.
Drop a reply if you known of a source/part#.
No, I'm not buying a complete grille bar at $150+.
Exterior & Detailing • Re: 13+ Grille Retaining Clips