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Performance • Battery dead again

Last July 2023, Ford replaced my Ford battery, again. This morning I walked out to go into town and the battery was flat, not enough juice to start the engine.

I had just used the Flex the night before so it only sat for maybe 12 hours max.

No interior lights were left on, shut off the night before normally as usual.

I'm wondering if I have an electronic issue, maybe needs a ECM reflash? Lately I have noticed an odd "wait period" when I select my cruise speed, it takes maybe 2 seconds for the speed to be set, don't know if this is related.

I run Torque on a small tablet often as I'm driving to monitor a lot of perimeters. The battery voltage is one I watch, typically it's no less than 12.9, sometimes I see 14 volts, not to often.

I learned the charging is electronically controlled, because I do see 14 volts sometimes I just don't suspect the Alternator.

I wrote about this condition recently in the past, sorry, here we are again.

Any thoughts on helping me diagnose the culprit?

Thanks All, SCG

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